Both website & intranet needed a complete remake, where the latter
needed a more thorough approach due to the complex structure, individual
content and performance goals.
We started from scratch and used Drupal as fundaments. An intensive
cooperation was required between UCLL & Calibrate, and an agile
approach was chosen to meet their requirements and goals in the most
valuable way.
Thanks to a clear structure, reusable components and a flexible page the
new website is very well-arranged. Focus is on the content.
The Drupal backend is secured and UCLL members can authenticate through a
single sign-on system called Shibboleth. Because of this UCLL can
choose which members can authenticate and even specify which pages or
sections that specific member can edit. A very powerful access control
and completely maintainable from UCLL main user directory.
The intranet is a platform where students and members from UCLL can find
their personal information. Via an Application Programming Interface
(API) we retrieve all the necessary data during the authentication
process. Data that consists of standard information, such as campus
info, personal information, programs…the combination of those data
parameters determines what that specific user gets to see inside the
intranet platform. Each member therefore gets custom & up-to-date
information, but more general info can be explored of course.
The difficult part here was to make sure that members had a good user
experience. Because the entire menu structure and multiple sections had
to be generated dynamically, based on user parameters retrieved from the
API, performance was an issue at first. Based on our experience and
some Proof of concepts with DrupalFileCache and Authcache, we managed to
speed up the experience and loading times of all the pages.
The same single sign-on system Shibboleth was used here, and Apache SOLR
as search engine inside the platform.